JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration: What You Need to Know

The JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration refers to the legal documentation required by the Road Transport Department of Malaysia (JPJ) for the transfer of ownership of a vehicle. The declaration is an essential document that must be completed by both the buyer and the seller of a vehicle in Malaysia.

The JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration serves as proof of ownership transfer from the seller to the buyer and provides protection to both parties in the transaction. It is a legal agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, the agreed price, and the details of the vehicle being sold, including its make, model, and registration number.

The process of completing the JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration starts with the seller providing the buyer with the necessary documentation, including the vehicle registration card and a copy of their identity card. The buyer is responsible for verifying the details of the vehicle, including its engine and chassis number, before signing the declaration.

It is important to note that the declaration must be signed in the presence of a JPJ officer or a commissioner of oaths. The seller must also release their interest in the vehicle to the buyer by signing the transfer section on the vehicle registration card.

Once the JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration is completed, the buyer must submit it with all of the required documentation to the JPJ within fourteen days of the sale. Failure to do so may result in legal consequences.

As with any legal document, it is important to read and understand the terms and conditions of the JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration before signing it. Both the buyer and the seller should ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete.

In conclusion, completing the JPJ Sales Agreement Declaration is a crucial step in transferring ownership of a vehicle in Malaysia. Both the buyer and the seller must follow the legal requirements to ensure a smooth and legal transfer of ownership. It is always advisable to seek professional help or legal advice if you are unsure about any aspect of the declaration to avoid any legal complications in the future.